Memberships and Payments Options
Apex Muay Thai does not enforce long-term contracts, but everybody starts with an initial 3 months commitment. We're making a 2-way commitment: our coaches spend extra time with you so you can learn the basics, and you commit to 3 months of sticking with it!
After the three months you can cancel with one month notice at any time.
All memberships are payable by direct-debit only, using the Ezidebit certified services. Your payment details are as safe with Ezidebit as any other online shop. The direct-debits payments can be set up using your bank account details, or a credit or debit card. Payments can be at a convenient schedule for you: time of the week, monthly or even longer term.
For hardship options please talk to a coach.
Prepay options are at our discretion, please ask.
Check the Schedule page for class times, and to book your free trial!

Our Location is 625 Whangaparaoa Road, Stanmore Bay, Whangaparāoa 0932
Please use the entry below the APEX MUAY THAI sign.